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For over 20 years, I have developed an extensive portfolio of research outputs, design engineering projects, workshops and commercial services.


Further details are on Google Scholar, Research Gate and ORCID.


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Prof. Lecture





  • Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education (Cardiff Metropolitan, 2016).  'The University established a widely–recognised lead, going back over some fifteen years, in the use of design and related 3D digital scanning technologies as applied to maxillofacial reconstructive surgery in treatment of disease or following trauma.'

  • Collaborate to Innovate, Health & Wellbeing category.  Sponsored by the EPSRC & The Engineer.  Winning project: ADEPT - Additive manufacture for Design-led Efficient Patient Treatment.

  • Shortlisted for a Times Higher Education Award. For Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology (Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2015). 


Journal & Conference Papers


  • Howard, J., Cloke, S., Eggbeer, D., & Beverley, K. (2024). Discovering the barriers to scaling a co-design approach for the provision of custom assistive technology within healthcare services. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1–12. 

  • Kopanoglu, T., Beverley, K., Eggbeer, D., and Walters, A. (2022) Design for patient empowerment: Guidelines to design for supporting the self-management of people living with chronic conditions, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June - 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. 

  • Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Mehrotra P, Khanna R, Khanna V, Eggbeer D, Evans P (2021) Patient specific total temporomandibular joint reconstruction: A review of biomaterial, designs, fabrication and outcomes, Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research. 11(2):334-343 

  • Eggbeer D., Beverly K, Mehrotra D., Evans P., Hollisey-Mclean S. (2020) Identifying research and development priorities for an in-hospital 3D design engineering facility in India. Journal of Design, Business & Society special medical issue 6.2. 6(2):189-213.

  • Peel S., Eggbeer D., Dorrington P. (2020) Standardizing the patient-specific medical device design process via a paper-based pro-forma. Journal of Design, Business & Society special medical issue 6.2. 6(2):233-258.

  • Howard J.D., Eggbeer D., Dorrington P., Korkees F. (2020). Evaluating additive manufacturing for the production of custom head supports: A comparison against a commercial head support under static loading conditions. Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 234(5): 458-467.

  • Kopanoglu T., Beverley K., Eggbeer D., Walters A. (2019) Uncovering self-management needs to better design for people living with lymphoedema. Design for Health. Nov. 

  • Budak I., Kiralj A., Sokac M., Santosi Z., Eggbeer D., Peel S. (2018) Computer-aided methods for single stage fibrous dysplasia excision and reconstruction in the zygomatico-orbital complex. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 25(4) 728-737.  

  • Burton. H., Peel S., Eggbeer D. (2018) Reporting fidelity in the literature for computer aided design and additive manufacture of implants and guides. Additive Manufacture J. 23(Oct) pp: 362-373

  • Peel S., Eggbeer D., Burton H., Hanson H., Evans P. (2018) Additively manufactured versus conventionally pressed cranioplasty implants: An accuracy comparison. Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 232(9) 949–961 

  • Al Mortadi, N., Eggbeer D., Lewis J., Williams R.J. (2018) Comparison of virtual and physical dimensions in AM resin dental devices and fit of devices with conventionally produced base plates. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 24(1) 188-194.  

  • Gardner A., Eggbeer D., Ryan M., Lee P, Y, F. (2017). 3D Computer Modeling Analysis of the Surface Area and Thread Volume of the Common Sliding Hip Screw. Orthopedics and Rheumatology Open Access Journal (OROAJ). 5(1).  

  • O’Malley F.L., Millward H., Eggbeer D., Williams R.J., Cooper R. (2016). The use of Adenosine Triphosphate Bioluminescence for Assessing the Cleanliness of Additive-Manufacturing Materials used in Medical Applications. Additive Manufacturing Journal.  Vol. 9: 25-29.  

  • Peel, S., Bhatia, S., Eggbeer, D., Morris, D., Hayhurst, C. (2017) Evolution of design considerations in complex craniofacial reconstruction using patient-specific implants. 231(6):509-524. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine.  

  • Peel S., Eggbeer D., Sugar A., Evans P. (2016). Post Traumatic Zygomatic Osteotomy and Orbital Floor Reconstruction Using Digital Tools and 3D-Printing – A Case Report. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 22(6): 878-886.  

  • Daniel S., Eggbeer D. (2016).  A CAD & AM process for maxillofacial prostheses bar-clip retention.  Rapid Prototyping Journal. 22(1) 170-177. 

  • Peel S., Eggbeer D. (2016). Additively Manufactured Maxillofacial Implants & Guides - Achieving Routine Use. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 22(1): 189-199.  

  • Al Mortadi N., Jones Q., Eggbeer D., Lewis J., Williams R.J., (2015). The fabrication of a resin appliance with alloy components using digital technology without the use of an analogue impression. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics. 148(5):862-867. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2015.06.014

  • Alifui-Segbaya F., Lewis J., Eggbeer D., Williams R (2015). In vitro corrosion analyses of heat treated cobalt-chromium alloys manufactured by direct metal laser sintering. Rapid Prototyping Journal.  21(1): 111-116.

  • Al Mortadi N., Eggbeer D., Lewis J., Williams R. J. (2013).  Design and fabrication of a sleep apnea device using CAD/AM technologies.  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine.  227(4) 350-355.

  • Al Mortadi N., Eggbeer D., Lewis J., Williams R. J. (2012). CAD/CAM/AM applications in the manufacture of dental appliances. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics.  142(5): 727-733.   

  • Eggbeer D., Bibb R., Evans P., Ji L. (2012).  Evaluation of direct and indirect additive manufacture of maxillofacial prostheses.  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 226(9): 718 - 728. doi:10.1177/0954411912451826

  • Jevremović D., Puskar T., Kosec B., Vukelic D., Budak I., Aleksandrovic S., Eggbeer D., Williams R.  (2012). The analysis of the mechanical properties of f75 co-cr alloy for use in selective laser melting (SLM) manufacturing of removable partial dentures (RPD).  Metalurgija. 51(2): 171-174 

  • Eggbeer D., Evans P. (2011) Computer-aided methods in bespoke breast prosthesis design and fabrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 225(1): 94-99.  

  • Jevremović, D.P., Kojić V., Bogdanović G., Puškar T., Eggbeer D., Thomas D. and Williams RJ,  (2011). A selective laser melted Co-Cr alloy used for rapid manufacture of removable partial denture frameworks - initial screening of biocompatibility. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 76(1): 43-52, ISSN 0352-5139. 

  • Jevremović,D. P.,  Williams RJ, Bošković M.J., Puškar T, Eggbeer D, (2010) The use of stereolithographic data for three dimensional finite element analysis model generation. Acta Stomatologica Naissi. 26, 61:  933 – 944. 

  • Jevremović,D. P.,  Mirjana V., Bošković M.J., Puškar T., Williams R.J., Trifković B., Eggbeer D.  (2010)  A clinical evaluation of inlay-retained fixed partial dentures after a two-year observation period. Acta Stomatologica Naissi, 26,(62): 997-1006.

  • Bibb R., Eggbeer D., Evans P. (2010). Rapid prototyping technologies in soft tissue facial prosthetics: current state of the art. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 16(2): 130-137.

  • Bibb R., Eggbeer D. (2009). Rapid Manufacture of Custom Fitting Surgical Guides. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 15(5): 346-354. 

  • Williams R.J., Eggbeer D., Bibb R. (2008). CAD/CAM Rapid Manufacturing Techniques in the Fabrication of Removable Partial Denture Frameworks. Quintessence Journal of Dental Technology. 5(2): 2-10. 

  • Eggbeer D., Bibb R., Evans P. (2007). Digital Technologies in Extra-oral, Soft Tissue Facial Prosthetics: Current State of the Art. J Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists, Winter, Vol. 10: 9-18. 

  • Eggbeer D., Bibb R., Evans P. (2006). Assessment of digital technologies in the design of a magnetic retained auricular prosthesis. J Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists, Winter, Vol. 9: 1-4 

  • Eggbeer D., Evans P., Bibb R. (2006). A pilot study in the application of texture relief for digitally designed facial prostheses. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 220(6):705-14. doi:10.1243/09544119JEIM38

  • Eggbeer D., Bibb R., Evans P.  (2006) Towards Identifying specification requirements for digital bone anchored prosthesis design incorporating substructure fabrication: a pilot study. International Journal of Prosthodontics. 19(3): 258–263. 

  • Bibb R., Eggbeer D., Williams R. (2006). Rapid manufacture of removable partial denture frameworks. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 12(2): 95-9. doi:10.1108/13552540610652438

  • Bibb R., Eggbeer D., Bocca A., Sugar A.  Rapid design and manufacture of custom fitting stainless steel surgical guides, Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacture, June 2005, CRDM/Lancaster University, ISBN: 0-9737783-1-8, pp 65-72 

  • Williams R.J., Bibb R., Eggbeer D. (2004).  CAD/CAM zur Herstellung von Gerusten fur herausnehmbare Teilprothesen.  Quintessenz Zahntechnik. 30(10): 1076-1087, ISSN: 0340-4641 

  • Eggbeer D., Bibb R., Williams R. (2005). The Computer Aided Design and Rapid prototyping of Removable Partial Denture Frameworks. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 219(3): 195-202. doi:10.1243/095441105X9372

  • Eggbeer D., Williams R.J., Bibb R. (2004). A Digital Method of Design and Manufacture of Sacrificial Patterns for Removable Partial Denture Metal Frameworks. Quintessence Journal of Dental Technology. 2: 490–499. 

  • Williams R.J, Bibb R, Eggbeer D. (2004). CAD/CAM in the Fabrication of Removable Partial Denture Frameworks: A Virtual Method of Surveying 3D Scanned Dental Casts. Quintessence Journal of Dental Technology. 2: 268–276. 

  • Evans P., Eggbeer D., Bibb R. (2004). Orbital Prosthesis wax Pattern Production using Computer Aided Design and Rapid Prototyping Techniques. The Journal of Maxillofacial Prosthetics & Technology. 7: 11-15. ISSN: 1366-4697 


Books & Chapters


  • Bibb R., Eggbeer D., Paterson A., Mohammed M.I. 2024, Medical Modeling, 3rd Edition.  The Application of Advanced Design and Rapid Prototyping Techniques in Medicine. eBook ISBN: 9780323957342

  • Eggbeer D. (2018). Computational Design of Biostructures. In: 3D Bioprinting for Connective Tissue Engineering. Elsevier Publishing, London. Print book ISBN: 9780081011034.  

  • Bibb R., Eggbeer D., Paterson A., 2015, Medical Modelling, 2nd Edition.  The Application of Advanced Design and Rapid Prototyping Techniques in Medicine. Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier), UK. Print Book ISBN :9781782423003. 

  • Eggbeer D, Peel S.  (2019 in press).  Chapter – The Role of Computer Aided Design & 3d Printing in Post-Traumatic Deformity Correction.  In the second ed. of: Atlas of Operative Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery, Springer Publishing.  Edited by Michael Perry and Simon Holmes.  

  • Emerald Gems, 2015.  A Focus on 3D Printing for Healthcare Applications.  Includes the paper Rapid prototyping technologies in soft tissue facial prosthetics: current state of the art from the Rapid Prototyping Journal.  Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 

  • Bibb R, Eggbeer D, Bocca A, Evans P, Sugar AW. Chapter 15: A custom-fitting surgical guide. In Kau CH & Richmond S (eds) Three-Dimensional Imaging for Orthodontics and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2010, Wiley-Blackwell, London, UK, ISBN-13: 978-1405162401, pp 243-252. 

  • Eggbeer D., Bocca A., 2008.  Contributed to the chapter Intra-Operative Management.  Imaging and Planning in Surgery: A Guide to Research.  AO CMF publishing.  ISBN 3-905363-07-0. 



Selected Conference Presentations


  • Eggbeer D (keynote). Point of Care 3D Printing Workshop. Organised by 3D Systems in Munich, Germany 7th March, 2024. 

  • Eggbeer D (keynote). Point of Care 3D Printing Workshop. Organised by the University of East Anglia. 5th Feb, 2024. 

  • Eggbeer D (invited speaker). Patient Specific Implant Solutions: Trends in patient specific implants & what’s next. 13th Biennial conference of the International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation (ISMR), 14th Feb. 2021. Watch here.

  • Eggbeer D (invited speaker). Developing Resilience and Local Supply Chains for Advanced Digital Technology in Resource Constrained Environments. 7th Biennial Conference of the ADT. Tokyo, Japan, 20th-22nd June, 2019.

  • Eggbeer D (invited speaker). ADT Outcome Measures. 7th Biennial Conference of the ADT. Tokyo, Japan, 20th-22nd June, 2019.

  • Eggbeer D*, Peel.  The Importance of Design Considerations in Patient-Specific Cranio-maxillofacial Devices.  Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction, International Conference.  31st May – 3rd June, Amiens, France.  Eggbeer D also chaired sessions and delivered a workshop at the conference.  *Presented. 

  • Eggbeer D.  Additive Manufacture for Design-led Efficient Patient Treatment.  Collaborate to Innovate conference.  17th Nov. 2016, The Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre, Coventry, UK.  

  • Eggbeer D.  Key Design Decisions in Complex CraniofaciaI Reconstruction.  Presentation to a special interest group at the annual Craniofacial Meeting.  Oslo, Norway. Oct 2016.  

  • Thomas G., Eggbeer D., Peel S., Sugar A., Evans P.  Poster.  The Impact of Introducing CAD/AM Technologies in Cranio Maxillo-Facial Surgery.  European Association for Cranio Maxillo-facial Surgery, 2016 conference, 13th-16th Sept. 2016.  Poster.   

  • Hare J*. Thomas G, Andrews C, Eggbeer D.  *Presentation.  Generative Participatory Design for Interactive Medical Devices. DS 84: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2016 14th International Design Conference, May 2016.  Pages 1865-1874. Dubrovnik, Croatia.  

  • Eggbeer D.  Invited speaker.  Key Design Decisions in Complex Craniofacial Reconstruction Using Patient Specific Implants.  Invited speaker at Symposium of Dentists and Associates with International Participation, 17th-19th May 2016, Novi Sad, Serbia.     

  • Eggbeer D, Wheeler T, Farrugia P.  Joint presentation.  Performance Exoskeletons: Applications of Design & 3D Printing.  Develop 3D Live, 31st March, 2016, Warwick, UK.   

  • Eggbeer D. Invited speaker & white paper.  The Development of Design Automation & Additive Manufacture in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery.  Additive Manufacturing for Medicine & Dentistry, 30 June - 01 July, 2015, London.   

  • Poppy Farrugia.  Supervisor of her project.  3D Printing Orthotics for Sport.  TCT Live, Birmingham, UK (2015)  

  • Eggbeer D.  Invited speaker.  Applications of CAD & 3D Printing in Surgical & Prosthetic Design.  Rapid.Tech Conference at FabCon 3D, 10th June 2015.  Erfurt, Germany. 

  • Eggbeer D. Invited speaker. The Functional Appropriateness of Computer-Aided Designed / Additive Manufactured Implants.  3D Printing Technology for Medical and Biological Applications Conference, 18th Nov. 2014. Swansea University, UK. 

  • Eggbeer D. The functional appropriateness of computer-aided designed/additive manufactured implants.  Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction, International Conference. Sept. 2014. Beijing, China.   

  • Eggbeer D.  Invited speaker. Design technologies in maxillofacial applications: From research to application.  Design for Health & Wellbeing conference.  25th Feb. 2014. Nottingham Trent University, UK.  

  • Eggbeer D.  Invited speaker. Manufacturing Head and Neck Body Parts.  3D User Group Meeting, 15th Nov. 2013, British Orthodontic Society, London, UK. 

  • Bibb R, Eggbeer D*.  Presentation.  A critical comparison of rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing in extra-oral prosthesis body production.  Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction. 5th-8th May, 2011.  Freiburg, Germany.  *Presented 

  • Eggbeer D, Bibb R*.  Presentation. Evaluating state of the art in cranioplasty plate design and fabrication.  Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction. 5th-8th May, 2011.  Freiburg, Germany.  *Presented 

  • Daniel S*, Eggbeer D, Evans P. Presentation.  Design hierarchy for auricular prosthesis Retention mechanisms.  Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction. 5th-8th May, 2011.  Freiburg, Germany.  *Presented 

  • Eggbeer D. Digital Technologies in Maxillofacial Surgery. Invited speaker at the regional British Dental Association conference, Swindon.  July 2009. 

  • Eggbeer D. Presentation.  A Critical Comparison of Digital Technologies in Nasal Prosthesis Production. The Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists, 25th Scientific Congress, 7th-9th Sept. 2011, Birmingham UK.   

  • Eggbeer D.  Presentation.  Engineering technologies in extra-oral, maxillofacial prosthesis fabrication.  Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction.  29th June – 2nd July, 2008.  Cardiff, UK. 

  • Eggbeer D.  Presentation.  Engineering technologies in extra-oral, maxillofacial prosthesis fabrication.  Society of Manufacturing Engineers.  Rapid, 2008 conference.  20-22 May, 2008.  Florida, USA. 

  • Eggbeer D*, Bibb R, Evans P.  Presentation.  Specifications for non-contact scanning, computer aided design and rapid prototyping technologies in the production of soft tissue, facial prostheses.  Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacturing.  16th June, 2006.  *Presented.  

  • Eggbeer D*, Evans P, Bibb R.  Presentation.  Digital technologies in implant retained, extra-oral prosthesis design and fabrication.  The Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists 22nd Scientific Conference, 7-9th September 2005, Brunel University, Uxbridge.  7th-9th September, 2005.  *Presented. 

  • Eggbeer D*, Evans P, Bibb R.  Presentation.  The Application of Computer Aided Techniques in Silicone Facial Prosthetics.  International Congress on Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Maastricht, the Netherlands, June 2004.  *Presented. 

  • Eggbeer D*, Evans P, Bibb R.  Presentation and paper in conference proceedings. The Appropriate Application of Computer Aided Design and Manufacture Techniques In Silicone Facial Prosthetics.  Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Rapid Design, Prototyping & Manufacturing, Professional Engineering Publishing, Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk, UK, 2004, 45-52.  *Presented. 

  • Bibb R*, Eggbeer D, Bocca A, Evans P, Sugar A.  Presentation.  Design and Manufacture of Drilling Guides for Osseointegrated Implants Using Rapid Prototyping Techniques.  Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Rapid & Virtual Prototyping and Applications, Professional Engineering Publishing, Peterborough, UK, 2003, 3-11.  *Presented. 


Involvement with Professional Organisations


  • Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction.  Worldwide Foundation.  Having previosuly been Treasurer., I was elected as President in Oct. 2019  The ADT Foundation was created to help identify and explore the future role of innovative digital technologies in reconstruction of the head and neck.  It operates globally and also helps to support regional workshops and conferences.    

  • I founded the UK Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction group.  

  • Centre for Applied Reconstructive Technologies in Surgery ( Founder members and Dominic Eggbeer is Treasurer.  CARTIS is a unique partnership that aims to make Wales a world-leader in the research, development and application of advanced technologies in surgery and prosthetics.  CARTIS represents a core ambition of my work – to be undertaken in collaboration with key centres of surgical and prosthetic expertise.


PhD Supervision


  • March 2017 – 2023.  Teksin Acikgoz Kopanoglu. Design for empowerment: Supporting the self-management of people living with a chronic condition (lymphoedema) by design.  Research Innovation award (value of £60,000).  Director of Studies.

  • June 2016 – current. 3 year full time.  Emma Wrigley.  The application of digital technologies to the manufacture of removable orthodontic appliances.  Self-funded.  Supervisor. 

  • January 2012 – 2018, Peel S. The effective introduction of digital product development technologies to hospital unit-based activities.  Director of Studies. 

  • Completed Feb. 2017, O’Malley F. The Development of Innovative Patient-Specific Surgical Guides”.  Cardiff Metropolitan University, Director of Studies.  Research Innovation award (value of £60,000).  Director of Studies.

  • May 2011 – Current, Mihoc A.  Part time. The development of rapid, prototype-led ethnography techniques as a tool to inform the development of bespoke medical devices.  Supervisor.

  • Completed 2014, Noor Al Mortadi.  Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacture/Additive Manufacturing applications in the manufacture of dental appliances.  Supervisor.

  • Completed 2014.  Daniel S.  Towards Developing CAD/CAM Solutions in the Retention of Extra-Oral Facial Prosthetics.  Director of Studies.  Research Innovation award (value of £60,000).


PhD Examination


  • PhD External Examiner. Jonathan Howard, Swansea Bay University Health Board, Feb 2023. Reducing barriers to assistive technology: Utilising co-design to develop personalised assistive technology solutions. 

  • External Examiner, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil, June 2022. Lucia Regina Branco. Method of designing and manufacturing external personalized breast prostheses, using 3D printing and low-cost computer-aided technologies.

  • PhD External Examiner, Loughborough University, June 2019. Sophia Tetteh. Alternative Materials for Maxillofacial Prostheses Development.

  • PhD External Examiner, Manchester University, June 2018. Kathryn Downey. Exploration of computer-aided design and additive manufacturing for the design and fabrication of custom-made spinal braces

  • PhD External Examiner, Loughborough University, July 2016. MaryBeth Privitera. Collaborative Medical Device Design (cMDD).

  • PhD External Examiner, Loughborough University, Feb. 2013.  Paterson A.M.J.  Digitisation of the splinting process: exploration and evaluation of a Computer Aided Design approach to support Additive Manufacture. 

  • PhD External examiner, Loughborough University, Sept. 2010.  Taylor R.E.  A Design Tool for use in Simulation and Training of Sinus Surgery.

  • PhD External examiner, Loughborough University, March 2010.  Ramin E.  Automated Design of Trabecular Structures. 


Research Funding


  • Co-Design and Post-Traumatic Growth. This pilot project explores the impact of the co-design of assistive technology (AT) on individuals’ experiences of post-traumatic growth following trauma (i.e., acquired physical disability). Feb 2024 - June 2024.

  • Global Wales - Wales-Indian Institute Science Research Partnership Fund. This collaboration project focusses on the topic of Assistive Technology (AT) and the role of product design, user-centred design, data science and additive manufacturing. Feb 2024 - June 2024.

  • Global Wales – India. Wales-Telangana Universities Partnerships Project. This project will develop collaborations between researchers, industry partners and community actors in the UK and India with a shared commitment to improving the application of design methods in healthcare. Focussed on design and additive manufacture of custom medical devices. March - June 2023.

  • EPSRC, Tidal N+ funding. Improving the efficiency of co-designing personalised assistive technology through utilising digital design and manufacturing systems. May- Nov. 2023. 

  • Innovate UK. Knowledge Transfer Partnership with V-Trak Ltd. Development of advanced design and manufacturing for mass customisation of wheelchair posture management seating. Oct. '22 - ongoing.

  • British Council, Newton Fund. Workshop - Enabling Equitable Access to Health: Embracing New Design Technologies. 3rd-9th Dec. 2018, S Africa. This work was supported by a Newton Fund Researcher Links grant, ID 2017-RLWK8-10536, under the UK-South Africa Newton Fund. ~£42k.

  • UK India Education Research Initiative. Exchange research visits between King George's Medical University, Lucknow, India and PDR, Cardiff Metropolitan University. ~£44k. 

  • Innovate UK / EPSRC grant - Additive-manufacture for Design-led Efficient Patient Treatment – ADEPT.  £987,000 between commercial and research partners (Renishaw PLC, LPW Technology Ltd, ABM UHB & PDR).  Feb 2014-Feb 2017.  This project developed & implemented a new supply chain and business model demonstrator that enabled Renishaw to address the global market potential for its Laser Melting (LM) technology in the medical device sector.  EPSRC-funded research led by me underpinned the new proposed approach.  I was responsible for leading the writing of both the Innovate UK and EPSRC proposals. 

  • Cardiff Metropolitan University, Research & Enterprise Services, Accelerator Fund.  £1,400 to foster international relationships with key potential collaborators in the European region.  It also helped to formalise a relationship with Renishaw PLC and led to them supporting my group’s research by £450,000 over three years.    

  • Cardiff Metropolitan University, Research & Enterprise Services, Getting Started fund (Dec. 2015-May 2016).  Pilot - Developing specialist shoes for lymphoedema sufferers.  £440 (for materials only). 

  • Partner in a Centre for Defence Enterprise-funded project.  Trauma Simulation of Massive Lower Limb/Pelvic Injury.  Academic partner.  Total value, circa £120,000 to date.  Jan. 2014 to Sept. 2016.  A follow up project that builds on the first has been submitted to the Defence Accelerator Project call.  This has a total value of £88,500 with a value to my team of circa £30,000.

  • Partner in a Health Technology Challenge Wales project.  High Tibia Osteotomies.  £19,360.  Dec. 2014-Dec. 2015.

  • Tenovus Cancer Care (Charity).  Innovation Research Award.  User Requirements in Breast Prosthetics.  £14,000.  Completed June 2015.

  • Cardiff Metropolitan University Foundation Award.  Prosthetics Research.  £24,000 for equipment.  June 2012

  • Devices for Dignity.  User Centric Design of an Electromyography (EMG) stand-alone switch to improve user experience, accessibility and independence.  Project partner.  NIHR funding.  Jan 2012-Dec. 2012. 


Other Funding


  • Industry funding (Renishaw PLC) to undertake academic research, write reports and develop novel design solutions that support the application of metal additive manufacturing in personalised implant production. £ undisclosed.  

  • Welsh Government, Health Technology & Telehealth Fund - £270,000 (April 2014-April 2015).  This project aimed to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, the safety of procedures and reduce costs to NHS Wales whilst also improving access to the most advanced techniques to rural and remote communities.  3D scanning, design and fabrication technologies were piloted in new healthcare applications, providing the foundation for on-going implementation and research projects.

  • Welsh Government, Knowledge Transfer Centre (KTC).  Centre for Patient Specific Medical Design.  £390,000.  Project director.  The KTC developed a service to provide the patient specific design knowledge to medical manufacturers, the benefits of which were: improved products that positively impact on the health and well-being of patients; improved competitive advantage for each participating company; and, a positive impact on the Welsh economy.  

  • Welsh Government, A4B Feasibility Study, 2008-2009.  £20,000 Project Director.  This study provided a foundation of evidence on the need for companies to diversify from mass produced markets to high-value bespoke design and production techniques.   

  • Welsh Government, Strategic Insight Programme.  £2,600.  2009-Feb. 2010.  This fund was used to embed myself within a small/medium size company to learn about their processes and offer assistance in their understanding of custom device production.

  • Welsh Government, Intellectual Property Development Fund.  £2,000.  March-June 2009.  This fund was used to explore the potential to protect novel ideas developed through research. 

  • Knowledge Transfer Partnership, 2009-2012, Performance Health Products. Academic Team member.  This Innovate UK-funded KTP introduced a key product design component within a rapidly developing small/medium size company keen to develop new market opportunities.


Workshops & Training 


  • Organised the 2nd Advanced Digital Technologies (ADT) in Head and Neck Reconstruction UK Conference & Workshop.  17th-18th Feb 2017, Cardiff, UK.  I also delivered a workshop on Additive Manufacture at the ADT international conference in Amiens, 2017.

  • Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction.  UK Regional workshop at the British Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, Fellows in Training Conference, Cardiff, Nov. 2015.  This workshop introduced around 40 trainee surgeons to a range of advanced design-based approaches to undertaking complex surgical approaches and promoted discussion around effective implementation into routine practice. 

  • Organised the 1st Advanced Digital Technologies in Head and Neck Reconstruction UK Conference.  24th July, 2014.  Loughborough University, UK.

  • Future of Facial Prosthetics workshop.  Organised by me as part of a Loughborough University EPSRC funded network.  Jan. 2012. The report can be downloaded at 

  • ADT global conference workshop, Freiberg, Germany, 5th-7th May, 2011.  Workshop.  Digital Technologies in Facial Prosthetics.  This workshop introduced conference participants to the application of advanced design technologies in facial prosthesis production. It was based on my PhD and subsequent publications in the area and delivered to around 30 people.

  • Digital Design in Facial Prosthetic, 2011.  Course.  This course was run in collaboration with the Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine in Canada & University of Illinois, Chicago.  It introduced an array of technologies that aid in the planning, design and fabrication of prosthetic devices and attracted participants from Japan, America, Asia and Europe.  Held in Edmonton, Canada.

  • Digital Technologies in Surgery & Prosthetics Course. Course at the Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists Congress, 7th-19th Sept. 2011.  Birmingham. 

  • ADT global conference workshop, Cardiff, 2008.  Organised between my team, the Maxillofacial Lab at Morriston Hospital and the ADT.  The conference was attended by around 200 international peers in the field of head and neck reconstruction.

  • Development of online content for patients who require an ear prosthesis.  Hosted at 

  • Co-organised an industry-supported course delivered by CARTIS.  Medical Modelling, Implant and Craniofacial Planning.  Feb. 2006.  Delivered to UK-based surgeons and Maxillofacial Prosthetists.

  • Digital Design in Facial Prosthetics Workshop. The Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists Congress.  Winner of the The Wim de Ruiter Delft Plate (awarded for Awarded for the most outstanding scientific technical display or workshop).  2005, Brunel University, UK. 



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